In 2007, desperate to move to New York City for a youthful adventure, I interviewed with a mutual fund sales desk. Ten minutes into the interview, I pulled a painful faux pas and told my interviewer I was not interested in the position. Truth be told, I knew in my gut I was not smart enough or educated enough to succeed in the role. I tried to diplomatically skirt around that cold, hard fact and tell the man who would have managed me that my educational background provided me with a different skillset. Mr. Manager assured me with a little studying I could pass the Series 6 exam that was required within six months of hire and get up to speed on anything I needed to know about the industry. I tried once again to politely tell the man there was no way my abstract, theoretical little communications brain could pass that thing. And then I gave up and walked out.
God in His gracious kindness provided a ticket to NYC anyway. A non-profit hired me to be an enslaved secretary to a team of Type A feminists out to change the world. Four months in, I was miserable. Lo and behold, God miraculously dropped my dream communications job into my lap. Shockingly, it just so happened to be in a different division of Mr. Manager's company. Amazing. I accepted, giddy and confident that I could use my "soft skills" and excel. Two weeks in, one small detail surfaced: I needed to pass the Series 7 Exam. While the Series 6 covered only mutual funds, the Series 7 was significantly more complex -- it is the most comprehensive financial securities exam offered by FINRA.
After multiple nights of fearful tears, I pulled my pouty lower lip back in, and said, "Lord, I do not have the mental horsepower to pass this exam. You know that, because You created me. Nevertheless, I trust full well that You have brought me to this place. So in faith in You, I will use the grace You give me to study as hard as I can for this test. And if I pass, I will turn back and give You all the glory -- because it will have to be You that pass the test for me."
Wrapping my head around complex put and call options was truly the most intellectually challenging endeavor I had ever undertaken. Remember, I am no rocket scientist. Two weeks before the exam, I sent a mass email to every friend and family member announcing I would be completely MIA, so if there was an emergency they would need to email me with that in the subject title. Otherwise I would not respond to anyone until after January 28.
God passed that darn test. I bawled like a baby. Then I went into my boss's boss's office and told him I just needed to let him know that God got all of the credit, because I couldn't have passed it on my own. He turned beet red and, I'm sure questioning why he had hired a moron, sent me back to my cubicle to attend to my fluffy communications tasks. The Series 7 was God's perfect plan -- to be glorified in my life.