One of my favorite songs, "Need You More" by Shaun Groves, keeps running through my head. The part that I love says, "Lord I want so many things. What I need has never changed. Teach my wayward heart each day. No matter what I chase or crave. That all this wanting only makes. Me need you more. I need you more."
I need more of the Lord Jesus in my life. I crave living in New York City right now, so much so that I find it hard to feel satisfied with this amazingly abundant and blessed life in Austin. I crave it even when an impossible-to-pass-up job opportunity has plopped into my lap without any prompting on my part.
I know that I will always crave things, because what I really crave is Jesus Himself, but my flesh tries to trick me sometimes and make me think that things of this world will satisfy those longings. Admitting this, I constantly try to put myself in NYC to try to imagine what I will crave from Austin once I live so far away. I will miss my family and my dear sweet friends very much. I may miss the heat when the dead of winter kicks in and freezes my Texas blood right in my very veins. Other than that, I cannot muster up one single longing that I might crave. I want New York City that badly.
Another song keeps popping into my head. I heard it on the "You've Got Mail" soundtrack. If I did not want to finish this post before I fall face first into the keyboard from exhaustion, I would google who sings it. For now, I'll only share one line:"I guess the Lord must be in New York City". This precisely states what I feel. I know the Lord is here with me. But I cannot help but feel that in our personal, intimate relationship, He must be in New York City waiting for me to get there. Praise Him that He's omnipresent! Hah!
What I need has never changed. I need Jesus. If He has a plan for me in New York City, then I want to go there. I will need Him desperately if I go there, to survive living so far away from home in such a cold, hard place. And if I remain here, I will need Him desperately to survive living in a place that can suffocate me in an instant with comfort, safety, and an unfulfilled dream.
I praise Jesus. Without Him, I would have no hope. I know that I need Him, and He's shown me His faithfulness. With that, I can rest. I can sleep peacefully, even without knowing who sang that song on the "You've Got Mail" soundtrack.